
Scénographie Muséographie

Grand palais 6 milliards d’autres

  The concept is to protect the video exhibit of Yann Arthus-Bertrand against the very powerful light in the nave of the Grand Palais and create intimate, friendly and quiet spaces.

The idea is to create a village of yurts. Their shapes are cylindrical, therefore, the people can meet and communicate each others and wander around easily wherever they want.

 At the begining, the visitors go under a huge tent, and look at about a hundred faces somes of which become bigger in order to highlight some words.

Then, the visitors enter into the dark space of the yurts where films of individuals from around the world tell their different personal stories and how they feel about the questions asked. Thousands of video interviews conducted around the world to draw a large portrait of humanity.

Afterwards, they go on wandering among the 25 yurts, following the rythm of the light path.

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